Customer Testimonials

At All-Stor Self Storage, our primary goal is to make sure that our customers are satisfied with the service they receive. Here’s what they’ve had to say about their self-storage experience.


Extremely Friendly

Woman working was extremely friendly! Makes everything so much better. All smiles and jokes with her and I felt right at home!

– Soo Lynn H.

Excellent and Professional

Excellent and professional help with service, will continue to rent and recommend friends and family. 100 percent satisfy.

– Edel S.

Five Stars

I can’t think of anything else because you truly go above and beyond for your customers. I love your service!

– Ruth W.

Convenient and Willing to Help

I found access convenient for my purposes, and I found the people in the Office available and willing to help.

On my move-out, I especially want to thank Stephanie, who grabbed me before I drove off ‘for good’ – since I had left my drivers’ license with the Office while we were using a metal gangway for the moving truck.  “This is the kind of thing I tend to forget”, I said when I left the license with her.  “Don’t worry, I’ll catch you before you go.”  And she did.   Thanks Stephanie!

– Gregory T.

Great Rates

Great Rates, and the Manager there Sabrina that I dealt with was absolutely fantastic. She really seemed to care about my sudden move and relocation 🙂

– Justin T.

In addition to providing clean, secure storage spaces, we also supply everything you need to safely move, pack and store your property.

Experience the All-Stor Difference

From exceptional customer service to easy, secure, and affordable storage, we’re dedicated to providing you with the best self-storage experience in New Jersey.

Get started and request your free storage quote today!